I really don't care what anyone feels about this statement because it can not be unjustified. You may dislike The Mexicans, but they can be accepted as Caucasian easily. You may dislike the Jewish ethnicity, but they can also be accepted as Caucasian. And yes, I know I didn't use a hyphen between the AA word, it is really just another sign of separation between the races.
It is felt we should just get over slavery like it was a dream, just like the Holocaust was a dream. Denial runs amuck. Kind of hard to get over generations of families being destroyed and scattered. We may never know who are our true relative. By acceptance I mean apologizing for something our ancestors have done. And I say 'OUR' because I am quit sure there has to be an iota of White blood in my DNA, just by the color of my skin. I say 'OUR' because I know from history some greedy, vengeful Africans aided in our down fall. It is no harder than me going to my neighbor and saying I'm sorry my brother is/was a murderer and a thief and stole or hurt your family. Sure I wasn't there, but I know he did it and I apologize and I empathize and sympathize.
This strip down, slap in the face of our POTUS hurt a lot of people of all colors and may have brought the entire race relationship a tiny step backward. It just shows we have not gotten over. It shows a Black person in America still has to be validated. I am saddened. I felt lower than a zero. Some are still unable to accept the even status of the African American race. Some are unable to accept the equal footing of any race beyond their own. I truly believe if we start celebrating the accomplishments of every race, teach our children about every ethnicity on a daily basis, the differences will be less defined and we will become more accepting.
With hyperlinks and videos it celebrates hundreds of people such as Hiawatha who fought for freedom of his people, Lonnie Johnson who invented the ‘Super Soaker’, Dalip Singh Saund was a member of the United States House of Representatives, Rev. Rick Warren blessed the 2008 Presidential Inauguration,rpad G.C. Gerster was one of the first surgeons in America, Yamato Ichihashi was one of the first academics of Asian ancestry in the United States; Antonio Meucci invented the telephone, Michael Jackson entertained; Minoru Yamasaki second-generation Japanese-American architect designed the World Trade Center, and Amadeo Peter Giannini founded the of Bank of Italy which later became Bank of America.
Beads on a String-America’s Racially Intertwined Biographical History never stops celebrating our heritages from the naming of the country by Martin Waldseemuller to the elimination of overt racial discrimination, through education, entertainment and to the glorious day of racial, political and social unification with Barack Obama’s Presidential election.
Beads on a String-America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History
ready for any e-reader Kindle, Smashwords , Sony or Kobo, Scribed
Nook and iPad here & here.
You've given me something to consider from all of this. I never thought that guilt would be a cause of racism. The way you've presented this idea in a logical fashion, however, makes me consider this.
I do hope that some day we can all put this ugly side of humanity behind us once and for all. Until then, it'll take the efforts of every single one of us to denounce this evil and learn how best to accept one another. Thank you for sharing this, and it's a pleasure to meet you via the A-Z Challenge!
There are some points in this post worth taking into consideration but as an black woman (or African-American, African American, etc. because I mean, does it really matter? If we spend time trying to define something as simplistic as that, then we'll never overcome much larger issues that are ruining our community today...right now), I do not believe that racism will ever end.
All races, not just one are at fault for keeping racism and hatred alive and well and it's up and much like Jeffrey mentioned in his comment, it is up to each individual to determine which side of the line he or she is going to be on and what type of person he or she is going to be.
Quite frankly, I do not believe that bringing up slavery is doing us any good. Yes, it happened. No, people should not forget about it nor encourage others to act like it was some kind of dram. However, dwelling on it and trying to make white people "see the light" or whatever the goal is does not make anything better. Instead, it makes us look silly and petty.
I believe that it is best for us to learn from the horrible acts of the past during slavery and the civil rights movement and learn from the many lessons that come out of that era.....no matter what race.
A recent episode of "Law & Order: SVU" called 'Reparations' with Terrance Howard as the guest star uncovered a horrible crime against a black woman by a Klan member that was the motivation for the current crime that they were investigating.
The episode showed how past actions, crimes, beliefs and behaviors could effect future generations because a daughter who did not appear to be racist was still influenced by her Grandfather who was racist.
Instead of placing all of the blame on the grandfather, however, I hope that many viewers blamed the daughter just as well because she was a grown woman who chose to allow someone else's racist beliefs influence her actions.
It all comes down to personal responsibility. Either people today will choose to exercise it by being responsible and open to differences in the world around them or they won't. It's as simple as that.
You mentioned the President in your post and he could even be used as an example of the racism because he represents multiculturalism just based on his own background and race, yet many groups still consider him to be black. A lot of black people consider him to be black and a lot of white people.....including racists and non-racists consider him to be black.....despite the fact that he's NOT. He is bi-racial. It cannot get any more multicultural than that.
Getting back to the Law & Order episode though, this is why it's not easy to know whether someone is racist or not and watching that episode made me want to refuse the advantages of any men of other races who may pursue me and it made me want to be all pro-black with regards to dating....all because of things that happened in history, and that would not be wise for me to do because many of the people walking around today were born in modern days just like you and I and they were not responsible for the things that were done years ago, even if they were done by one of their ancestors.
I don't expect some 25 year-old white person or even some 35 year-old white person to apologize to me for things that they had nothing to do with, and probably didn't even have any knowledge about.......nor do I expect some 70 year-old white person to apologize for slavery or other things that African Americans endured in history.....especially if that 70 year-old had nothing to do with it.
Even if they did, why would you want an apology? How would that change anything? How would that make it better for the state that the African American community is in today?
The Madlab Post
I also wanted to add,
Racism exists. You're (or WE're) either racist or You're (WE're) not. In the meantime, we have to make the best of our lives and the environment that we are in that we share with other human beings (keyword there - "Human Beings") and deal with situations as they come and try to surround ourselves with like-minded individuals.
We need to improve our own communities before we worry about others and we need to reduce the mess that has become out of hand in our community instead of trying to make other races or cultures feel guilty about what their ancestors did.
The Madlab Post
The Indian population ( in US) grew from a 1,679,000 in 2000 to 2,570,000 in 2007.People of Indian origin are being given positions of power in the Senate.
Yet if I walk into a store or a restaurant I do get a second look. (Not complimentary) to make matters worse I am married to a Caucasian.
Indian is so diverse in its population. Every state has a different language, different cuisine. Hindus Muslims Buddhists and Christians (to name a few religions) live together. Our children play together, eat together. We never treat the other any differently. So when I moved to the so called first world country from a so called third world country, it shocked me to see how socially immature this country was. Every one capitalizes on differences.
The US has a long way to go .
Makettles, I totally agree. As I was researching for my book I was surprised at all of the contributions, in all areas from so many different races. There are so many things America would have failed to do with out every color. I read that the word Caucasian is mostly used in America as a separation of race. My motto for the book-History was written in more than black and white.
@Nicole, yes I believe the hyphen matters. It matters when it comes to every race because it is like a great divide. We are (I assume) Americans. The label of which kind of American shouldn't matter.
Nicole, my point exactly when it comes to the race of the President. Goes back to the old law- if yo had 10% Black blood you were (and seems still are)considered Black. He is not considered Black because of his blood line, but because of the 'color' of his skin. People look at the color of the skin and not your DNA. I believe the entire American (human for that matter) is multiracial. Can't help but be.
As stated in the post, I agree with you about it being more than one race causing racism.
As for making any other race feel guilty, that is not what I said. I said I believe the guilt must be felt. If not guilt they may feel shame. The same shame I would feel for kicking a defenseless dog and then realizing it meant me no harm. Community is the world reacting from outside forces. If the pressure from the outside is not relieved, the crush is felt on the inside.
"The episode showed how past actions, crimes, beliefs and behaviors could effect future generations because a daughter who did not appear to be racist was still influenced by her Grandfather who was racist."
My point exactly. The grandfather was reared as a racist and the tradition continued through the blood line. They were taught no better. If we close or eyes, not teach our children better and ignore the problem (by thinking silly & petty), then yes racism will never end.
I saw the show on Law & Order. Beyond the race factor, that man wanted to enact revenge on the hurt of his mother. He probably would have done it if the perpetrators had been Black.
@Jeffery. I agree with you totally. Thank you for visiting.
I don't think I can add much more to what's already been said that would add that much that was new to this conversation. Some good points were made. I do like your focus on multicultural/racial contributions as a collective reason to rejoice who we are rather than separatism.
So as not to go on too long here let me just congratulate you on finishing the Challenge and adding your Voice with such relevant posts. Hope you found it to be enjoyable and, most of all. productive.
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Tossing It Out
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