If We Sit Back & Say Nothing

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I read this article yesterday in The Guardian "Texas schools board rewrites US history with lessons promoting God and guns" about the new things put in the history books. What I had never known is that whatever is chosen to be included in the history books by a few people from Texas is eventually taught to all children in American public schools. What  a bunch of crock. This is nothing to close our eyes to.

The value of American history is about to be changed. What is expected to be voted on and more than likely to succeed is the elimination of vital parts of Our history. Any mention of the slave trade will be eliminated as will be Thomas Jefferson. People who were extreme believers in slavery, the necessity (not right) to bear arms will be illuminated. In the article it is also mentioned the study of Darwin will be replaced with military advanced technology.

This article is alarming because Texas with its purchases of millions of books tends to rule the publishing world. The majority of what is considered Liberal views will be eliminated from the history books. This is not even to mention the fact they want to put a black mark (excuse the pun) on the Civil Rights Movement.

The main thing I get from this article is the fact a few run it all. All it takes are a few radicals with crazy ideas to get in a group and make a change and for better or worse it affects everyone. the writers of this book even took out the author of a child's book because they confused his name with someone else. Way to research. If they couldn't get this right can you imagine what else 'wrong' this board of educators will be teaching the future rulers of America?

If there is a way to vote this down or eliminate the indoctrine into the public school system, it should be done. It may seem like a little thing and not much can come from it, but look back into history (Jewish, racial, religious....) and you will see the little slaps, annoyances became tools of wars and mistreatment and the annihilation of many lives.

“I feel that we as Americans are all equal and held together by a common thread. Like a treasured beaded necklace of different colors held together on a string, we are held together by our necessities and our circumstances and our humanity. Every color helps to make the necklace beautiful. We can never be a totally separate entity! Americans of all colors are so integrated that if we hurt one, we hurt all. Just like that necklace of treasured beads, leave one out and the gap is seen. Break the chain and many of us are lost.”

Beads on a String-America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History.
What do you believe? This is my belief and I won't change it.


Arlee Bird said... Best Blogger Tips

I really don't have time to do much research about this, but I did take some. I question the Guardian as a source because though I am not real familiar with the Guardian, what I have heard indicates that it is against traditional Amercan values, and has a very liberal agenda. When I did a Google search on the topic nearly everything gave reference to the Guardian article.

I feel like some words and ideas may have been twisted in presenting what Dunbar was saying, but it sounds to me like she is fairly well-intentioned. I'm not there in Texas and I haven't been following her or the education issues so I don't know that much.

By the way, you may have seen the "Debate" topics I offer up on Thursdays on my blog. This week I am going to presenting a question concerning slavery in America. I hope you'll check it out and weigh in with your voice.

Tossing It Out

Ey Wade said... Best Blogger Tips

I will. I think the intentions started off with the good in mind, but I think the route took a wrong turn. I tend to use ask.com for research questions. Here are just a few sites to read.



Ey Wade said... Best Blogger Tips

I will. I think the intentions started off with the good in mind, but I think the route took a wrong turn. I tend to use ask.com for research questions. Here are just a few sites to read.



Arlee Bird said... Best Blogger Tips

I had already read the NY Times article and I have the same opinion of them as the Guardian. The paper has an agenda and I have seen that in most of the articles I've seen referenced from the Times.

I am not that big of a fan of big city newspapers because I think that though they do present some news in an okay fashion they also try to feed their subscribers with an unpopular liberal agenda which probably partly explain the decline in subcriptions. I get the paper for the crossword puzzles, coupons, and comics-- I skim thru the news. Since the comics are starting to also become agendized and coupons can be found online, I should start just buying puzzle books and cancel my paper.

The first link you provided is apparently parody because it states the "excerpt" and study questions are from an imaginary text book. It is hypothetical and not real.

Thanks for the links,
Tossing It Out

Those Feeling My Voice