Carrying Challenges Close to the Heart

Best Blogger Tips

Through the A-Z blogging challenge, I learned a lot. I learned that blogging is in essence a way to release and connect. A way to get things off of your heart that could possibly cripple your soul. I have heard a lot of new voices and was eager to listen to many of the familiar. This was a great challenge and I would definitely do it again. This was a challenge that lifted me out of a space of utter numbness and a state of laryngitis. I can speak again...I feel alive. Thank you Arlee of Tossing It Out for the experience.

I had never thought about blogging before attending a very informative meeting at Beaumont’s Golden Triangle’s Writer’s Guild. I love to talk even though most of it is done within my head. I mean what exactly is the good in blogging? I now know and so after much thought….I am started writing a blog. I checked out a few others and one in particular stood out….it asked the question “are dreams outdated or the new wave?”

Dreams are such illusive things. I have had a few and a couple I have worked hard to pursue. One minute I think I have a grip on them and then I’m off on the chase again…which brings me to the title for my page…VOICEOVER.I am the voice of those who want to say it, are afraid to say it, or are never heard even after they say it.

As I tap on my keys I just want to say, you are welcomed here a nd here. A-Z Reflection Mega Posts


Raquel Byrnes said... Best Blogger Tips

So glad to hear that the blogging experience this past month blessed you and gave you something to think about. Congratulations on finishing.

Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm so glad that this experience has been a blessing to you! I loved the phrase "I found my voice." Blogging has given me that gift too! :) Great wrap up post!

Wanda said... Best Blogger Tips

Enjoyed reading your wrap up. Great to hear it's breathed new life into you.

Debra Harris-Johnson said... Best Blogger Tips

Yea!!!! We madeit. You, me and Carol the three "Writing Muskateers." I am so blessed myself to have journeyed with you guys but all the other friends we have met along the way. It's been great and you wrapped it up perfectly

Arlee Bird said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you for letting your voice be heard by the rest of us. You have some interesting things to say and I will continue to come back. I'm so glad that the Challenge was something that was beneficial to you and I agree with what you said about it. I enjoyed being in your company.

As just a side techical note. I was having a hard time reading your page when the printing was not in white-- the colored font blended to closely with the background. I think my settings are now correct. Has anyone else had the same problem? I'm just wondering in case there's something that makes your blog more effective. Otherwise I love the look and the layout.

Tossing It Out

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

Great job on completing the challenge!

Those Feeling My Voice