Officially Off

Best Blogger Tips

Okay, today I am officially off, unemployed. I was going to make a plan on marketing myself, but then thought about how I was kind of tired and needed a day off. LOL! anyway, I picked up my planner to write today's schedule in and this is what it said:
"On the seventh day, having finished his task, God rested from all of His work(Ge.2:2) In order to achieve great things we must get enough rest in the process." I guess that's enough said. My pages are blank today.


Holli said... Best Blogger Tips

I just interviewed someone locally who quit her job to start her own PR Agency. She had a lot of advice on how to go it alone - not to mention that she's an incredible writer/journalist who's met with lots of success. I'd love to get the two of you together.

Ey Wade said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to meet/contact this person.

Holli said... Best Blogger Tips

Her name is Michelle McCalope. What's your email address? I'll have her contact you.

Ey Wade said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, but life is funny. I know Michelle. We were in an organization together. She was the president and I was the secretary. I haven't seen her in a little while. She's really smat. My email is What was your article about and how can I read it?

Holli said... Best Blogger Tips

Hey Nancy. The article is for the Entreprenurial Spirit edition of VIP Magazine of Southeast Texas. It will be in next month's edition. We wanted to highlight empowered entreprenuers that weren't afraid to jump in the deep in, per say, even with the swirling economic times. I found Michelle's story so inspiring and then, wehn I read your blog, my brain made that connection. Do you still want me to pass along your email address or are you already in contact?

Ey Wade said... Best Blogger Tips

You can give her the email address I don't know if the one I have is current>

Those Feeling My Voice