Someone Ate the Ears off the Bunny

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 To me the best part of the Easter celebrations are the bunny ears, after that its all hollow. This year it feels even more hollow.

It feels so strange to realize Easter is tomorrow. I have gotten so accustomed to the calls from Angela as she arranged our traditional family Easter dinner., I'd let the days slip past.

There has been nothing, but silence. A couple of message from other relatives wondering if we would be going home for the holidays. What should we do? Ignore life? I'm so sure that isn't the way Angela would have it.

We'll laugh and talk and get through the day. More than likely we'll go down memory lane and remember just how 'crazy' Angela really was. The girl was hilarious when she wanted to be. It'll be a good day.

Even though I still feel like punching that bunny in the nose. Just because.


Those Feeling My Voice