B-boohoo's, Blessings, & By the Grace of God a-zblogchallenge

Best Blogger Tips

So, I woke up yesterday morning boo hooing and blubbering about the unfairness in life and business (or lack of). Started bumping around through boxes trying to gather things for a possible garage sale when I received a phone call that my mom and my big brother Bubba (I'm kidding. His name is Chris) who lives in Beaumont were in a car accident. So, we all jumped into Lola and puttered on down the road. By the grace of God they are well.

There are many things in life that frustrate, perplex, and inundate us with worry.  But, by the Grace of God we are given one more day to just to be thankful and blessed.


Margaret Hall said... Best Blogger Tips

Goodness~!! The car is really, really banged up~! Glad all are OK~! Liked your use of the "b"..
See you soon for "C"...Enjoyable reading..

Ey Wade said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks, me too. Glad you stopped by.

Those Feeling My Voice