Taking New Trails

Best Blogger Tips

I'm always searching for a new and better way to get something done. I ran across this book a few weeks ago in a Half Price bookstore and have definitely been swallowing the advice. Along with this other sack of knowledge in a pile, I don't plan to fail.

On the Wade-In Publishing blog site I have been sharing  info on my adventure through publishing on Smashwords. This is yesterday's post.

The distribution of the ebooks into the bookstores seems to take a bit of a while. I can't tell you how excited I was to see two of the books have been distributed to Apple and Barnes and Nobles. Eventually they will be in Amazon, Sony, and Kobo. At the moment they can be downloaded from my author's page and purchased at a 50% discount of $1.00.

I just have to show you. I'm may be a Pollyanna, but I really don't see that much of a difference in self-publishing when compared to traditional. The publishing is not the problem, its the attitude and thoughts of the people that make a project work or fail.

I feel the attitude of some people believing the self-published author only manufactures inferior products as compared to the traditional author is the stake to the heart of a writer. This attitude seems to be slowly changing. Thank God. It reminds me of the comments  I received when I decided to home-school my daughters. People tend to think only the traditional (the norm)and expected is the 'right way' to do things. I say follow your heart and learn what you need to know to succeed. Nothing is impossible and nothing can not be repeated. Whose to say they have the final word and can keep you from being the next BIG name in the writing world. Like I said before Things can be repeated.

There are multitude of published books on both sides of the fence that either make it or fail in their tracks. Again I say the success depends on the readers, the author and if blessed, whomever else is working with the author.

I'm still fighting the query process with other manuscripts I am working on, but at least I have another option to pursue.

The main thing is to know whatever way you choose to get your books into the reader's hands, you must be diligent and work hard to achieve your goals.


Debra Harris-Johnson said... Best Blogger Tips

I say you are absolutely correct. It doesn't matter which route you take to get to your publishing destination. I know of a best selling author that got frustrated by all the rejection and self-published to only have an agent nab his self published book and sell it main stream. Do what you gotta do.

Holli said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so dead on here. I have a good friend who was published through a traditional publishing company. She finds it impossible to sell any books since she's not a "prime" pick with the publishing company. She has to work just as hard to sell as those that go the self-publishing route.

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