For those who don't know, this is my rant blog. I try not to visit it often, but...
Humph, saw this picture on a friend's post and had to laugh. So, this what THEY think the card looks like? Well, of course "they" do. They are the designer of the deck. Remove that qualifier (If Person of Color & the O.J) and it can be for the White race,too. I can definitely see the resemblance. And we all know, people have died for the Black card.
To those who feel superior, but are just plain old prejudice, racist- why you mad, though?
Why, when we join in the game, y'all get mad?
Why, when we pull out that card, y'all gave us- y'all try to shut us down by shouting out "Here comes the race card!" "Somebody always trying to make it about race? " -Because it usually is about race.
F'ck yeah, we gonna play the card. Slap it in your face with the quickness. Let you see where it's the appropriate time to show you your face. Let you know, we hear, read, and see the bull, the bias, the double standard and we're calling you out on it. Consider it your "go fish card, " your second chance to dig in your deck and get it right.
How you ignore the fact you have your own card? Whether it's believed
or not, privilege reigns. Doesn't mean it makes you rich, but it
definitely gives a free pass or an easy road to somethings. Isn't that a part of life.

That's not our black a**es you're seeing, it's the mirror reflecting your prejudice and ignorance. You filled our hands with these cards, while you've scrambled to hold every other card, to your advantage. And now, you're afraid you're losing.
So, why you getting mad, though? We didn't start the damned game, pre-label the cards- hell even ask to play.
We were dragged here, slapped in the middle of the game and then given(what you have falsely believed was the worst hand) the cards to play. Oh, as an addendum to this game-that card y'all keep tossing in the air about Your People SOLD you; tear that sh*t up. Whitewashed history. Any fool making themselves feel good about that lie is... a fool. You can't sale what no one buys. JUSTIFICATION-DENIED!
Ignore and belittle it if you want, but it's everywhere. That disregard. In every area, where we as Blacks have caught up, reworked, invented, mastered (with ease and dignity) - some whiny assed, ego dragged racist "in the guise of shedding light," or in pure hatred and jealousy- tries to destroy it.

When it comes to media and the Internet, whether we succeed, fail, or make a mistake in judgement - we are illuminated with the biggest light, chased with pitchforks, and torn to shreds. And then you want to tell us to leave OUR country!! I love when I hear that ignorance.
Wait for it, because here comes the biggest race card ever SLAVES, BLACKS, POC, BUILT THIS COUNTRY. BAAM !! - why would we leave OUR country we were born in, died for, and built? Y'all can tear that sh*t filled card up, too.

When the name of the game is and has always been
Bash, Eliminate, Hold Back the Ni**er, the deck is stacked with all the tiny easily debunked white lies, the trump card is dealt and every color of the rainbow pulls up a chair and joins the game. The goal- well, we already know the name of the game.
I'm not even gonna say anything about the other POC at the table who know damn well they have the same race card tucked between those silent fingers. Some even have the dagger card, they use to try and poke holes in the back of the Black man's card in order to make themselves look better and feel better-it's an illusion.
They let you play along and then take it away with a few slight of hand tricks. I like to think of it as, the dumbass or the two faced card. You people are killing yourselves. Instead of uniting and fighting for a common goal, ending discrimination, you try sharing cards with people who could care less about you.
So, y'all stop being mad, because you can bet- we're gonna use that card as our Ace in the hole. Society may see the black ass of a donkey or feel safe believing they've doled us a joker, but they're wrong. We hold nothing but Kings and Queens. And, even though you can't see it, because you're focusing on all the negative, swallowing (by the crab filled bucket) what media feeds you, we fight for every success we achieve and win every time.
If you want to see racism end,
STOP pretending it isn't there.
- STOP holding on to the deck so hard and toss every last one of the
cards. Unlabel, take away that hyphen between every race of American.
- STOP pretending racism is confined to one race and that we don't all have a play in it.
- STOP labeling entire groups of people by the negative actions of individuals who happen- by luck of birth, to live in the same skin tone. Because if you're going to see and treat me as a parasite, I'm going to see you as a white sheet wearing, pedophile/rapist, mass murderer of women and children.
So, you see- that race card can be pulled by anyone in the game- why you mad, though? Get over it, stop playing games, and grow up.
In case you haven't heard, This is Beads on a String, America's only multiracial history book to celebrates the contributions of ALL races/ethnicity to America's growth.
"In all sincerity I have to say it is a work of subtle genius.This is the story of the heroes of our collective past. What is
incredibly moving is that so many of these heroes have gone unsung for
so long. "- Johnathan Ellis
History is written in more than black and white.
Releasing her first creative non-fiction American History book Ey Wade takes you through time and life stories to show you the multitude or races who helped make America the great country it is. Where in history can you find people from every ethnicity combined and having the story told of how they contributed to America? Beads on a String, America’s Racially Intertwined Biographical History lauds loudly the accomplishments of all people who helped make America the great country it has become. Beads on a String is America’s first multiracial history book. Sometimes we forget history is for the formation of the future.
Why did I write Beads on a String- America’s Racially Intertwined Biographical History?
It started off as a home-schooling Black history month project with my youngest daughter. One day my daughter and I were on the subject of Black History Month. We were irritated and frustrated (as a lot of people are) about the fact history of such a great race is illuminated once a month and on the shortest month and then she asked "When is White history month?"
"Everyday," I answered. Then (as children do) she started asking for the month of each race and the book where they were all included...there were none. We decided to make one. We should all be celebrated and recognized on the daily.
Beads on a String-America’s Racially Intertwined Biographical History book is the first and only book to bring America's racial history together within one binding. My desire is to encourage unification in our understanding of contributions and worthiness of all races. I think it is way past time Americans realize history was written in more than Black and White and help our children learn this daily. Words can either hurt or heal and either way their effect can last an eternity.
My belief is:
I feel that we as Americans are all equal and held together by a common thread. Like a treasured beaded necklace of different colors held together on a string, we are held together by our necessities and our circumstances and our humanity. Every color helps to make the necklace beautiful. We can never be a totally separate entity! Americans of all colors are so integrated that if we hurt one, we hurt all. Just like that necklace of treasured beads, leave one out and the gap is seen. Break the chain and many of us are lost.~Ey Wade
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