Rejection for Some

Best Blogger Tips

If starting the New Year with four rejections in two days is not a reason to get on the bike and pedal harder, I don't know what is. Writing the greatest novel is hard work, continuing to write when being rejected is priceless.

No amount of money in the world could take the place of believing in yourself. Its a new year and rejection will be my fuel for motivation. I move on and work on other things. Check out excerpts from  The Fishing Trip on my wade-in publishing website and my character interviews at In The Chair. I will not quit. I will be Charlie Brown and walk around with my bare boned Christmas tree in denial (of rejections) and anticipation. I will improve and this year find the agent that has been waiting for my manuscript to hit his/her desk  or email file. My tree shall bloom and be decorated with accolades.


Debra Harris-Johnson said... Best Blogger Tips

Happy New Year! Hey you are where I was last year this time. I was about to discontinue my blog. Remember those rejection slips are proof you are writing and you are taking your craft seriously. And could prvide proof of tax deductions on writing and traveling expenses. I know your time will be this year!!!! I wish you were closer so you could write with Carol and I. We have formed our own little band of writers. Never give up, never.

Ey Wade said... Best Blogger Tips

Maybe we can do an email three some kind of thing. Writing alone is kinda boring. I did get 20,000 words written last week though.

Those Feeling My Voice